"Vocational High School Teachers' Perceptions of Technology Integration" by Darlene Sherry Morrison

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Maureen Ellis


In a suburban vocational high school in the northeastern United States, teachers revealed that professional development training in technology was not equipping teachers with the skills nor was it giving them the support needed to implement technology in their instructional practices. The purpose of this qualitative project study was to explore vocational high school teachers’ perceptions about participating in professional development that relate to technology integration in the classroom at a suburban vocational high school in the northeastern United States. The study was guided by Roger’s diffusion of innovation model/theory, which outlines how technology advances spread throughout a population, from introduction to wider adoption. Data were collected through individual semistructured interviews with 10 vocational high school teachers. Thematic data analysis followed an open coding process that identified categories and 3 emergent themes: (a) resources for technology integration in the classroom, (b) current technology integrated in classrooms, and (c) barriers to technology. The 1st theme had 2 categories: (a) online resources and (b) coworkers as resources. The theme, barriers to technology integration, had 3 categories: (a) time and implementation, (b) professional development, and (c) attitudes. The findings led to the creation of a 3-day professional development project that supports technology integration in the vocational high school classroom. The findings from this study provide the vocational high school with technology initiatives that influence student learning and serve as a platform for sharing and improving teaching practices, leading to positive social change to support teaching and learning and achievement of educational outcomes.
