"Toward a Grounded Theory on the Management of Orphanages in South Afri" by Anna Siyavora

Date of Conferral







Larry Flegle


The number of orphaned children in many parts of Africa is increasing as their parents die from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The research problem addressed in this qualitative study was lack of understanding by others about how the managers of orphanages in 2 African countries -- South Africa and Zimbabwe - were responding to the emotional and social needs of these orphans. The purpose of this study was to develop an orphanage management theory or model that could replicate the African kinship environment in the orphanages under study. Nurturing leadership theory provided the conceptual backdrop for this study. The research design was informed by Glaser's grounded theory (GT) approach. Data collection involved a qualitative survey of 20 administrators in 2 orphanages in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Open coding, memoing, and selective coding of this data yielded a nurturing model for orphanage management in the cultural context of the African kinship system. From the viewpoint of social change, this research suggests development of a family-oriented orphanage management system to help the orphans live healthy and productive lives without the stigma of HIV and AIDS.
