"Educational Intervention on Metabolic Syndrome for Psychiatric Provide" by Chika Emelda Okafor

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Barbara Gross


Statistics show a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in patients with mental illness receiving second-generation antipsychotic medications. MetS is associated with elevation of obesity, truncal obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting glucose. The purpose of this project was to educate psychiatric providers about the importance of MetS screening, early detection, management, and referral for better treatment and management. The project was guided by Lewin's theory of change model. The project inquired if educational intervention on MetS improved providers' knowledge and intent to adopt MetS guidelines. A literature review and established guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association and American Diabetic Association about MetS in psychiatric patients directed the educational content. Five expert panelists with over 10 years of experience in psychiatric mental health reviewed the educational content using a Likert-type questionnaire. Findings resulted in the acceptance of the educational content without further recommendation. Twelve staff attended the educational session presented on MetS. Comparison of the pretest and posttest questionnaires that has 5 multiple choice questions indicated some positive effects. The good knowledge of MetS, how to screen for MetS, health promotion activities with consumers, metabolic profile of different neuroleptic medications, providers' roles in MetS. The participants' overall knowledge about MetS screening improved from 8.3% pretest to 83.3% after receiving the educational program. The educational project for MetS screening might foster positive social change by improving continuity and quality of care, which will lead to better patient outcomes, reduce healthcare cost, and impact positive patient outcomes.

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