Date of Conferral





Criminal Justice


Dr. Gregory Campbell


African American male ex-offenders struggle with lack of assistance during their transition from incarceration, and they encounter many barriers when released back into the community. The purpose of my general qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of whether the reentry program impacted African American male ex-offenders likelihood of recidivating within one year. The theoretical framework included labeling theory, social disorganization theory, and social learning theory. The population consisted of 60 African American male ex-offenders intake participants of a reentry program that all completed the Client Satisfaction Survey. A purposive random sampling method was used to select ten participants for in-depth interviews. Data were collected through responses on the Client Satisfaction Survey and qualitative interviews. The research question was addressed through inductive coding and thematic analysis. The findings indicated that the reentry program enhanced participants' well-being, improved their communication, and increased their resourcefulness. Findings may be used to develop and improve reentry programs to promote better reentry outcomes and safer communities.

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