"Effective Hiring Process Background Check Strategies" by Christina Diane Waddell

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)


Business Administration


Dr. Steve Roussas


Job applicants often falsify information in their application materials. Using the disparate impact theory as the conceptual framework, the purpose of this multiple case study was to identify strategies Human Resource professionals use to complete effective background checks while maintaining compliance with federal regulations. I collected data by interviewing executives of 3 organizations located in the Southwest region of the United States, who had successful strategies for performing background checks to identify falsified information in the application process. I assured the validity and reliability of the data by reviewing organizational documents and member checking of the interpretation of the data. Through the thematic analysis process, 6 themes emerged: employment verification, education verification, professional reference checks, criminal background checks, the cost of background checks, and background check guidelines and policies. Leaders adapting the above findings could enhance communications within their organizations, and improve the perceived transparency, profitability, and sustainability of a company. Implication for positive social change include leaders' opportunity to preserve organizational sustainability and improve the economic climate in communities in which the organization operates, resulting in corporate transparency, fair hiring practices, and a reduction of recidivism in criminal activities.
