"Cognitive Behavioral Substance Treatment on Latino Engagement, Motivat" by Santiago Zepeda

Date of Conferral







Tom Diebold


The U.S. Latino population seeking substance abuse treatment has nearly doubled over the past 10 years, yet ethnic-based research and intervention strategies are lacking. The purpose of this quantitative study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Treatment Readiness Induction Program (TRIP) among the Latino adolescent population. Cognitive behavioral therapy and the integrated judgment and decision making model provided the theoretical framework. Secondary data from 137 Latino/Latina participants were collected on engagement, motivation, and drug use thinking scales and their respective subscales to evaluate differences by gender and by a group of clients who received standard operating practice treatment (SOP) and those who, in addition to SOP, received TRIP treatment (SOP+TRIP). An independent t test found no gender differences on any of the subscales. Contrary to expectations, an independent t test indicated the SOP group had statistically significantly higher scores on the motivation subscale of desire for help and on the engagement subscale of peer support. The longer time in treatment by the SOP+TRIP group may account for the unexpected findings, and a repeated-measures design is recommended in future research to map and better understand changes in engagement, motivation, and drug use thinking across time in treatment. Findings and recommendations inform positive social change intervention and assessment strategies that target Latino clients seeking support of drug abuse.
