"Strategies for Reducing Registered Nurse Voluntary Turnover" by Quintin Earl Cain

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)




Jaime Klein


The high rate of voluntary employee turnover in nursing has forced business leaders to search for strategies that reduce voluntary employee turnover. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies nurse managers used to reduce registered nurse voluntary turnover. Face-to-face semistructured interviews were conducted with 5 nurse managers in the San Antonio, Texas area. The conceptual framework included Herzberg's 2-factor theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Data analysis included Yin's 5-step process: (a) compiling the data, (b) disassembling the data into common codes, (c) reassembling the data into themes, (d) interpreting their meaning, and (e) reporting the themes. Member checking and methodological triangulation increased the trustworthiness of interpretations. The interpretations were then triangulated with new themes derived from nurse managers, policies, and procedures. The resulting major themes were job satisfaction, employee compensation, advancement, reward and recognition, and open effective communication. The implications for social change include (a) keeping families together, (b) employing more workers, (c) reducing unemployment, (d) stabilizing communities, (e) helping increase the economy, and (f) improving human and social conditions outside of the workplace. Findings from this study will provide positive social implications including the potential to decrease voluntary employee turnover in businesses, thus contributing to the retention of skilled employees, reducing unemployment, and decreasing revenue losses.

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