"The Effect of Secondary Teacher Personality on Educational Empowerment" by LaToya Sharee Alexander

Date of Conferral







Michelle Ross


Past research has shown a relationship between teachers' personalities and their ability to motivate students to perform, suggesting that teacher behaviors are the most important catalysts for student empowerment. This descriptive quantitative research bridged a knowledge gap by assessing the statistical significance of the relationship between secondary teacher personality types, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment, and their ability to academically empower their students, as measured by EDUCATEAlabama. A convenience sample of 334 secondary educators completed the MBTI assessment and reported EDUCATEAlabama empowerment scores. A comparison of Title 1 high school and non-Title 1 high school data, via t tests, was assessed against each dichotomous MBTI scale. These tests determined that the only significant difference between personality preferences of the two sets of teachers was on the Judging-Perceiving scale. The t tests also assessed that there were no significant differences in empowerment scores on each dichotomous continuum for each group of teachers. The results of the study positively affects social change by showing that it is possible to achieve equity in the distribution of teachers' personality types. This balance sets the foundation for quality education for all students, thereby increasing the number of successful students and decreasing student dropout rates.
