"An Examination of Blended Learning and the Traditional Classroom Using" by Brandy Hiett

Date of Conferral







Wellesley Foshay


Although varying models of blended learning are being adopted in schools, research on the effect of blended learning on students in different subjects and grade levels has not been examined. This naturalistic, quasi-experimental study examined the effect of the rotation model of blended learning at the middle school level on students' language arts performance to determine how the rotation model of blended learning compares to the traditional model of learning. The study's theoretical framework consisted of Mayer's cognitive theory of multimedia learning and Bloom's theory of mastery learning. The population consisted of 979 non-Title 1, Georgia public middle school students within the same middle school in a metropolitan school district during the 2013-2014 school year. The sample size was 237 sixth graders, 255 seventh graders, and 272 eighth graders. The specific data collected were Criteria Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) scores for all sample students. Data analysis consisted of both stepwise multiple regression and two-way ANOVA. The study found no significant difference in academic achievement of special education or regular education students. However, gifted students who participated in the blended model of instruction performed at a lower level than those who participated in the traditional model of instruction. Educational stakeholders may use this study, and others like it, to make decisions on the adoption of educational models at the middle school level that are beneficial, as well as to avoid models for subgroups that might be harmful.
