Date of Conferral







Timothy Lionetti


Schools throughout the United States use the IQ-achievement discrepancy method to

identify children with learning disabilities. This current method allows many students to fall behind in the regular education setting. In 2004, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reauthorized to provide states with the option of using a response to intervention (RtI) model in lieu of or in conjunction with the IQ-achievement discrepancy model. The purpose of this quasi-experimental, single subject, pre/posttest design study was to determine the impact of a Tier II intervention using SuccesMakers Math, a learning system that adapts to the unique needs of the individual student, for students in Grade 5 who were identified as at risk for math failure. Ten students who met these inclusion criteria completed 4 weeks of intervention daily for 30 minutes using SuccessMakers Math. A paired t test was conducted using pre/post-test Star Math scores and revealed a significant increase in math scores for participants (t(9) = 4.690, p = .001) before and after the RtI model. This research could inform educational leaders' efforts to improve student skills in mathematics through an effective Tier II math intervention.
