Date of Conferral
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Deborah Lewis
Evaluation of diabetes management processes at a western primary care clinic found that medical assistants lacked knowledge regarding the use of diabetes assessment tools. This Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) staff education project focused on enhancing medical assistants’ knowledge of the Education Patient Intake Template Assessment Tool to support best practices in T2DM care. A review of current literature using the Johns Hopkins Hierarchy of Evidence Guide identified that evidence from Level I to III informed the project. Six medical assistants, the primary patient screeners in the primary care clinic, participated in the intervention. I used pre- and postintervention tests to assess the impact of the educational session. The mean test score increased from 8.5 (pretest) to 9.7 (posttest), reflecting an 80% improvement in knowledge gain using the formula: (Posttest score - Pretest score) / (100% - Pretest score) × 100%.
Recommended Citation
kim, dalila, "Executive Summary: Staff Education Project Staff Education to Improve Knowledge Regarding the Education Patient Intake Assessment" (2025). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 17250.