"Elementary Teachers’ Experiences Supporting the Academic Growth and De" by Erica Williams Harryman

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Billie Andersson


The problem addressed in this study is that elementary inclusion teachers in urban school districts in a northeastern state in the United States struggle to support the academic growth and development of their students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of these teachers and identify the institutional conditions they perceive as necessary to foster positive academic outcomes for students with ASD, informing the study's two research questions. Framed by Bandura’s social cognitive theory, particularly its principle of triadic reciprocality, the study employed a basic qualitative design. Twelve elementary inclusion teachers participated in semistructured interviews. Data analysis, conducted through open, axial, and thematic coding, revealed the complexities of fostering inclusive educational environments. Eight key themes emerged, highlighting the importance of professional development, collaboration, institutional support, and community involvement. Findings indicated that while inclusion practices promote empathy, social awareness, and diverse learning experiences, teachers face significant challenges, including inadequate training, limited resources, and staffing shortages. Participants emphasized the need for targeted professional development, mentorship programs, and sustained institutional support. This study underscores the necessity of comprehensive approaches to inclusion that prioritize resource allocation, teacher preparation, and active community engagement to ensure the academic and social success of students with ASD in inclusive classrooms. The findings contribute to positive social change by offering actionable recommendations to improve education for students with ASD and may serve as a catalyst for systemic reforms that promote equity and inclusion in education, benefiting broader school communities.
