Date of Conferral
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Summary This executive summary highlights critical aspects of a Doctor of Nursing Practice staff education initiative. The doctoral project aimed to measure faculty members’ knowledge and confidence in using virtual reality (VR) simulation to address nursing students limited clinical opportunities. The initiative sought to align faculty practices with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) recommendation of 25% clinical training through simulation. The guiding practice-focused question was, “Among nursing department faculty members, would staff education enhance simulation knowledge and confidence?” Sources of evidence were peer-reviewed literature and pre/post-test surveys administered to assess faculty knowledge and confidence changes. The project was guided by evidence categorized under levels II and III, as defined by the Johns Hopkins Hierarchy of Evidence Guide. Based on responses from 11 participants, the mean score increased significantly from a pretest mean of 6.18 (SD = 2.040) to a posttest mean of 9.64 (SD = 3.688), as indicated by a paired-sample t test (p = .02). The initiative achieved its goal of improving faculty knowledge and confidence which led to scheduling 18 simulation sessions per semester, meeting the NCSBN recommendation, and providing a structured education program and a replicable simulation curriculum. Recommendations include ongoing faculty development, securing more resources for simulation tools, and expanding simulation across the curriculum. The project supports social change by providing a model for integrating simulation-based learning in nursing programs and supports equity and inclusion by offering innovative training to all students.
Recommended Citation
ISIBOR, NEKPEN, "Virtual Reality Simulation in Nursing Program: A Staff Education Initiative" (2025). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16980.