Date of Conferral
Jessica Millimen
A significant social problem affecting law enforcement investigations into workplace violence is the lack of threat assessments and threat management programs performed in workplace investigations. Collaboration with law enforcement early in workplace violence investigations has significant benefits within the corporate sector. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to examine the experiences of law enforcement officers/agents involved in targeted violence workplace investigations. Areas of focus were the collective perspectives of participants regarding the use of threat assessments, inclusion of law enforcement, and the barriers to an effective investigation within the workplace and by community law enforcement. This study utilized the conceptual framework of self-efficacy and idiographic theory to explain the experiences of law enforcement during threat investigations into targeted violence in the workplace. Ten participants volunteered and completed the interview for study participation. Key findings of this study included the identification of the importance for threat assessment programs, the importance of threat assessment training and the importance of early engagement of law enforcement. These findings demonstrated the need for strong collaboration and communication between law enforcement and community workplaces, to ensure societal safety and early violence mitigation strategies. The results of the study help provide positive contributions in behavioral threat assessment and targeted workplace violence investigations.
Recommended Citation
Folkestad, Heather, "Experiences of Law Enforcement in Workplace Violence Threat Investigations" (2025). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16973.