Date of Conferral
Jana Price-Sharps
This study explored the lived experiences of offender clergy through their childhood development. It specifically looked at the social, moral, and sexual development of these individuals. This phenomenological qualitative study provided insight into what, if anything, in their early moral, social, and sexual development could help shed light on their future behaviors and actions. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory guided this study by providing an understanding of how social learning throughout development can influence the formation of social, moral, and sexual behaviors later in life. The data were collected from reviewing existing material from existing diaries, interviews, and previously published studies. The information was coded and analyzed within the context of the social, moral, and sexual development of the participants. The findings indicated a similarity in themes across most, if not all, participants. The relative themes included religious moral upbringing, authoritarian fathers, sexuality is immoral, special maternal relationships, and awkward social relationships. Ramifications for positive social change included the understanding of the circumstances that may help shape an individual’s predisposition to commit these offenses while in positions of power. This will help form early intervention strategies and shift resources from reactionary to preventative measures.
Recommended Citation
Ghering, Aaron Andrew, "Exploring Interpersonal, Sexual, and Moral Development of Offending Clergy" (2025). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16926.