"Occupational Therapy Faculty Mentorship and Degree Type as a Predictiv" by Gwen R. Morris

Date of Conferral







Chris Cale


The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education outlines criteria for occupational therapy graduate programs by degree type but does not require pedagogic knowledge for either degree type. The problem addressed through this study was that the predictive relationship between occupational therapy faculty mentorship in the first 3 years of teaching and degree type with student satisfaction is unknown. The study was grounded by constructivism and occupational adaptation. The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study was to determine if there is a predictive relationship between occupational therapy faculty mentorship and degree type (independent variables) with student satisfaction (dependent variable) among occupational therapy faculty who are in their first 3 years of teaching. The research questions examined the extent of the predictive relationship between occupational therapy faculty mentorship using the aggregate Mentorship Effectiveness Scale score and degree type for students using the course evaluation subsection 2 aggregate score. Nonprobability sampling was implemented at a private institution in the United States with 26 participants. Regression analysis indicated there was no predictive relationship between variables, F(1, .36) = .01, p < .92, R 2 = -.04. Value interpretation F indicates an F-test was conducted (1, .36) • .36= df for the model • 1 = df for the residuals .36. The results must be interpreted with caution as the study was underpowered. The implications for positive social change are that universities now know to invest resources into investigating the relationship between mentorship and student satisfaction on a large scale exploring factors that might predict student satisfaction, eventually leading to conclusive results for supporting students.
