Date of Conferral
Reba Glidewell
Understanding how clinicians perceive offenders who utilize the strength-based good lives model (GLM) in treatment may help facilitate more acceptance among clinicians to incorporate strength-based alternatives as well as provide better therapeutic outcomes in treatment. The purpose of this qualitative grounded theory study was to examine the perceptions of clinicians who utilize the GLM for sex offender treatment. Grounded theory was utilized to formulate a theory regarding clinician perceptions towards offenders and its social change implications. The sample comprised of 11 clinical health professionals from mental health agencies who currently work or have worked with sex offenders within the past 5 years utilizing the GLM for sex offender treatment. Data were collected utilizing semistructured interviews. Data were open and axial coded to generate themes. Findings indicated that the perceptions of clinicians towards offenders in sex offender treatment were found to be overall positive, and many described the experience as fulfilling and rewarding. The findings showed that clinicians focus on treating the offender like human beings and collaborate with colleagues and other clinicians if difficult emotions arise to ensure no impact to the client’s treatment. Participants continue to utilize the GLM due to the strengths-based approach. Participants also emphasized the importance of rapport between the clinician and client and the willingness of the client to participate for successful treatment outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Harper, Janel Nicole, "Perceptions of Clinicians Towards Offenders Who Utilize the Good Lives Model for Sex Offender Treatment" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16747.