Date of Conferral


Date of Award



Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A)


Public Policy and Administration


Gary Kelsey


This evaluation study addressed the need to increase the participation of teenagers in the Youth Service Agency ABC (YSA ABC). ABC offers positive, powerful, and empowering experiences for area teens. These programs help them with character development, financial literacy, emotional intelligence, healthy well-being, and many other skills and tools to help teens reach their full potential. The organization was faced with decreasing teen participation and a lack of knowledge about the teen programs and services that would attract them to ABC. The purpose of this evaluation was to learn from ABC staff who worked closely with teens (Club site directors/unit directors) what they believed would help attract these young people back to ABC. Interviews were conducted with eight unit directors. Interview responses were coded and thematically analyzed. The findings of the study from data collection of interviews with the unit directors (P1-P8) showed that the teens wanted more field trips, more teen space, and more teen-geared programs. These findings can help ABC program leadership retain and increase teen participation by adapting and creating programs that truly met their needs. This study provided positive social change through an example of how youth service organizations could reach out to those they serve to best meet their needs.
