Date of Conferral


Date of Award

September 2024


Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)




Dr. Kristen Chesser


The importance of strategic planning and program development must be addressed; organizations with comprehensive strategic plans can use these documents as a road map to the goals the organizations need to grow and meet the community’s needs. This qualitative case study examined the organization’s need to establish a strategic plan to assist in navigating the ever-changing needs of their community and workforce needs. Additionally, the organization sought to implement the six principles of trauma-informed care throughout its services to the community and all its staff members. This study utilized the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework to assess the organization’s readiness and capacity to conduct a strategic plan, revise its mission, vision, and purpose statements, and develop new programs to increase its desire for social change in its community. The primary data sources collected included semi-structured interviews with the Behavioral Health Leadership Team, data provided by this team, and the organization’s website. Results from this study indicate the organization under the leadership team is ready to embrace the changes of a new strategic plan and revisions to how it operates internally with its staff and externally within the communities it serves. The results of this study will assist in developing recommendations that can and will assist the organization in creating positive social change in the community and its staff.
