Date of Conferral
Date of Award
July 2024
Eric Hickey
Previous work has been done to identify psych-social factors of criminals, although no work currently exists to identify the specific type of sexual offender identified within this study- foster parents who sexually offend foster children. This qualitative study focused on pre-determined psycho-social factors of both male and female offenders. The study reviewed nine cases which met the inclusion criteria and where sufficient data was able to be collected. Results of the study revealed that most offenders were male, most were married or in an otherwise committed relationship with a consenting adult during the time of their offending behaviors. These finding suggest that the offenders in this study were child molesters versus pedophiles. Positive social change is possible through an increased understanding of the specifics with this offender group, amongst both law enforcement and child welfare professionals to put into place proactive measures to ensure child safety.
Recommended Citation
Manning, Heather Lee, "Examining Psycho-Social Factors of Foster Parents Who Engage In Contact Sexual Abuse" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 16215.