Date of Conferral


Date of Award

August 2024


Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)


Business Administration


Theresa Neal


Some childcare providers in Maryland’s capital region lack strategies to diversify their service portfolio and increase profits, which can lead to business closure. Owners of childcare facilities are concerned with identifying methods for enhancing their sources of revenue to ensure business survival. Grounded in resource dependency theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies that some childcare providers in Maryland’s capital region use to diversify their service portfolio and increase profits. The participants were four business owners of childcare organizations. Data were collected using semistructured interviews, excerpts from parent handbooks, and a review of publicly available information. Through thematic analysis, five themes were identified: (a) drawing attention to the childcare providers business, (b) collaboration as a diversification strategy, (c) childcare as a community service, (d) communication drives the economic activities of childcare providers, and (e) capacity limitations and local economic conditions constrain market prices. Key recommendations are for state regulators to acknowledge the complexity of childcare arrangements through analysis of provider participation in Maryland State Department of Education childcare initiatives and establish a collaborative partnership with business owners that includes on-demand personnel support for childcare providers. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve the relationship between state regulators and childcare organizations, thereby increasing income diversification strategies through greater participation in state-sponsored childcare programs. The benefits to Maryland capital region communities include broader access to childcare providers.
