Date of Conferral
Date of Award
June 2024
Public Policy and Administration
Amin Asfari
Law enforcement officers are available to answer the calls of citizens in the communities they serve. They are required to deal with some of the most horrific and stressful situations imaginable. The purpose of this qualitative content analysis was to investigate law enforcement agencies’ policies related to adequate provision of early mental health intervention services for law enforcement officers after critical incidents and those policies’ impact on officer mental health. The focus of this study was on law enforcement agencies’ policies from 34 departments from across the United States. The agencies vary in geographic location and size. The results demonstrate law enforcement agencies policies’ influence related to organizational actions regarding mental health and wellness. Implications for positive social change encompass transparent practices regarding employee mental health and wellness. The implications of this research include assisting law enforcement organizations in policy development, training programs, enhanced employee wellness programs, and decreased absenteeism. All of these approaches could be used by law enforcement agencies to improve effectiveness and efficiency, which would provide the citizens they serve with a higher quality of service and officers improved employee health and wellness.
Recommended Citation
Nelson, Na'Shayla M., "Law Enforcement Agencies’ Policy Impact on Police Officers’ Mental Health and Wellness: A Content Analysis" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 15939.