Date of Conferral


Date of Award

June 2024


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Jo Desoto


A problem exists in NC Montessori schools with effective data analysis for specific learning disabilities (SLD) placement. The purpose of this study was to identify administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions of data collection and analysis within multitiered systems of support (MTSS) in a Montessori school. Fixsen’s implementation science theory was the framework for examining participants’ descriptions of MTSS methods. The first research question for this study sought to identify implementation methods administrators and teachers used during data collection and analysis within MTSS as a component of SLD eligibility in a public Montessori charter school. The second question explored the components of Montessori pedagogy administrators and teachers identified as impacting their ability to implement MTSS. Interview responses from 12 teachers and administrators were coded using open and axial coding via a basic qualitative design. Four themes emerged from data analysis. Staff recognized MTSS implementation components, the importance of data as part of MTSS, the impact of pedagogy, and the impact of other school factors. The current study contributed to social change in special education by adding to the research base regarding MTSS implementation in public Montessori charter schools. Specifically, it identified staff perceptions of data collection and analysis and described possible reasons for the gap between MTSS literature and practice.
