Date of Conferral
Date of Award
May 2024
Dr. Mary Martin
The COVID-19 pandemic affected Makonde immigrants’ health and quality of life around the world more than any other previous event. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to contribute knowledge and understanding of the lived experiences of Makonde immigrants and their health and quality of life during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Shye’s systematic quality of life model served as the theoretical basis for the study, along with Wilson and Cleary’s conceptual model of health quality of life. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten participants recruited through social media and flyers posted in Kilifi and Kwale counties. Subjects were interviewed face-to-face and via Zoom. Transcripts were analyzed using Colaizzi’s descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicated four themes: (a) Psychological trauma, (b) physiological disorders, (c) social-economical interruptions, and (d) the role of religion and culture. The findings have implications for positive change for the Makonde government to establish immigrant health centers that support linguistic and culturally preventive health care and funding to serve immigrants. Findings may also be used to establish policies that increase and expand insurance coverage for immigrant families.
Recommended Citation
KENYANYA, SHEM MIGOSI, "Lived Experiences of Quality of Life Among Makonde Immigrants in Kenya During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 15835.