Date of Conferral


Date of Award

May 2024




Counselor Education and Supervision


Ariel Harrison


The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological qualitative study was to explore and bring understanding to the role of school counselors and their social-emotional work with adolescent mothers. Data were collected from six participants via video interviews and analyzed utilizing a transcendental phenomenological approach. The selection criteria of the study included licensed or certified middle or high school counselors working within the United States with experience working with teen mothers in the school setting. Transcendental phenomenology was used to address the detailed description of the experiences of school counselors who work with adolescent mothers. Three themes developed from the study: importance of collaboration and communication, implementing social-emotional learning, and impact of school counseling roles and responsibility. The implications of this study are relevant to positive social change through the knowledge of the impact that school counselors’ have on providing social-emotional needs for teen mothers.
