Date of Conferral


Date of Award

May 2024






Elizabeth Thompson


The problem that was the focus of this research was that Native American businesses face numerous obstacles in successful and sustainable enterprises like professional training, lack of funding, shortage of professionals, and lack of tribal support. This has caused many businesses to close and has affected the economy of various tribes. The purpose of this qualitative, modified Delphi study was to determine how a panel of Native American business leaders view the desirability, feasibility, and importance of forward-looking solutions to the problems that Native American business owners face when trying to sustain their businesses. The research question addressed forward-looking solutions to problems that Native American business owner face when trying to sustain their businesses. The conceptual framework included the concepts of sustainability and innovation management process. A panel of Native American business experts within the Midwest region was assembled to view the business problems from previous literature that Native American business owners face. They were asked to provide solutions that were desirable, feasible, and important to create opportunities for innovation and sustainability. This study was significant in that the expert panel provided solutions to issues that Native American business owners face that result in their losing their businesses. The solutions experts provided will contribute to positive social change because if Native American business owners use these solutions to improve their businesses more Native American businesses will be able to thrive, which would improve the overall economy of the tribe.
