Date of Conferral


Date of Award

April 2024


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Dr. Shelly Arneson


The Panorama Teacher Survey (PTS) results from 2018 to 2021 indicated that school leadership has improved in one North Texas district. The problem investigated in this study was that despite favorable overall results on the Panorama Teacher Survey (PTS) in the local school district, the school leadership dimension of “teacher input into important campus decisions” was consistently ranked by teachers as needing improvement and was the lowest ranking amongst the other school leadership dimensions. The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ perceptions about their role in providing input into important campus decisions and to gather their recommendations for enhancing teacher input opportunities in the local school district. The conceptual framework for this research was the leadership for learning (LfL) theory. The research questions investigated were as follows: (1) What are teachers’ perceptions about their role in providing input into important campus decisions? (2) What are teachers’ recommendations for enhancing opportunities for teachers to provide input and be included in important campus decisions? The study employed a basic qualitative methodology using semi structured open-ended interview questions that were transcribed and coded. Ten teacher participants were interviewed from secondary schools within the sample district. The study affirmed that although opportunities for input look differently on every campus, teachers revealed that a variety of input options should be made available on every campus. Teachers recommended that principals consider sustaining building leadership teams with rotating membership, adding additional campus decision-making committees, sending frequent surveys or polls, creating staff pulse checks, sending inquiry emails, and conducting one on one informal input opportunities.
