Date of Conferral
Date of Award
February 2024
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
Barbara Niedz
Medication nonadherence is a major health issue among psychiatric patients as studies show a significantly high rate of medication nonadherence among psychiatric patients. This impacts the health outcomes of patients taking psychotropic medications. Psychiatric nurses have a major role to play in implementing strategies to improve medication adherence among patients. This project proposes the implementation of psychoeducation based on motivational interviewing to improve medication adherence among psychiatric patients. An educational workshop was provided to four nurses over 4 weeks to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of staff members at an outpatient care clinic, ultimately, to improve the patients’ medication adherence. The project was informed by the evidence-based practice model, and Orem’s self-care theory. The staff members’ level of knowledge, skills, and attitude were assessed using questionnaire (rated on a scale of 0–4) and a pretest–posttest method. The mean for the four knowledge questions improved from 7.50 to 14.25; a score of 16 indicates correct answers. The mean for skill on seven questions improved from 11.00 to 24.50; a score of 28 indicates strong agreement across the sample on all seven questions. Also, the mean for the nurses’ attitude improved from 3.50 to 10.75; a score of 12 on all three questions indicates strong agreement and positive attitudes. The results indicate an improvement in knowledge, skills, and attitudes among nurses. Enhancing nurses’ knowledge, skills and attitudes toward medication adherence in psychiatric patients has the benefit of improved adherence in patients, a positive social change.
Recommended Citation
Medina, Marlon, "Implementing Motivational Interviewing to Improve Medication Adherence: A Staff Education Project" (2024). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 15450.