Teachers’ Perspectives on Challenges and Best Practices When Implementing Restorative Justice in K–3 Classrooms

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Donna Brackin


The number of disruptive incidents has remained the same in the study site district with three elementary schools in a low socioeconomic area in a southeastern state despite the implementation of restorative practices. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore teachers’ perspectives on challenges and best practices when implementing restorative practices within their classrooms. The conceptual framework comprised Zehr’s restorative theory, which involves all stakeholders and teaching students to take accountability and responsibility for their actions. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 12 current K–3 teachers from the study site district with a minimum of three years of teaching experience and one year of experience using restorative practices in the southeastern state. Open coding and thematic analysis were used to find shared meaning in the data, resulting in the following emergent themes: (a) teachers believed district implementation of restorative practice was due to school demographics, behavior issues, and high suspension rates; (b) teachers faced barriers to restorative practice implementation; (c) teachers had confidence in implementing restorative practices but needed more training; and (d) teachers identified 14 best practices but were concerned about sustainability when administrative changes occur. Further research on student and parent perspectives of how restorative practices are implemented within a school could benefit schools and districts. The study’s findings may support positive social change by helping schools and districts recognize the challenges when implementing restorative practices and identify best practices to encourage others to use a less exclusionary form of discipline for young children.

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