Mindset and Behavior Perceived Influences on Performance in the Federal Industry

Date of Conferral







James Brown


The purpose of the current qualitative study was to explore the perceived relationship between mindset and behavior to determine the influence it had on performance and address gaps in the current quantitative research. The theoretical foundation of mindset and transformational leadership were the theoretical focus of this study because they focus on development and self-discipline by creating behavior through awareness and effort that ultimately influences performance. The study followed a qualitative research approach involving open-ended structured interview questions using a qualitative descriptive methodology, interviewing 12 federal industry leaders and 12 federal industry employees of those leaders. The primary research questions that were addressed included how a leader’s mindset influenced behavior and the behavior observed and did the influence and behavior influence performance. A set of open-ended, structured interview questions were used to compare past research and the gaps in the research by summarizing, categorizing, and interpreting the interview responses. The findings support that leadership mindset and behavior significantly influenced employee performance. From a social impact, the study will influence positive social change through an enhanced understanding of mindset, behavior, and performance. Each can change how employees become their best selves in their work settings that expand into their personal lives securing a better tomorrow.

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