A Nonprofit Organization’s Strategies to Align Its Systems Services with the Needs of Families

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)


Business Administration


Peter Anthony


In the nonprofit sector, leaders are swiftly recognizing the necessity of aligning community food systems with the dynamic needs of families. This alignment is not only crucial for addressing immediate nutritional needs but also plays a pivotal role in bolstering long-term community resilience and well-being. Grounded in the balanced scorecard and Baldridge Excellence frameworks, the purpose of this qualitative single-case study was to explore strategies some leaders in nonprofit organizations deploy to align community food systems with the food service needs of families. The participants were three leaders with over five years of experience at a nonprofit organization in the southern United States. Data were gathered through interviews and a review of organizational documents. Through thematic analysis, five themes were identified: leadership, governance, strategic planning, customer engagement, and societal responsibility. A key recommendation is for nonprofit leaders to evaluate and adapt services to meet changing family needs routinely. The implications for positive social change include the potential to reinforce community values and enhance citizen safety through personalized services and increased confidence in community support systems.

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