Date of Conferral





Health Education and Promotion


Lori L. Dewald


AbstractHispanic women are among the ethnic groups with higher cervical cancer rates in the United States. This mixed-method study was conducted to explore perceived barriers and self-efficacy-related factors to cervical cancer screening in foreign-born Hispanic women in Florida. The theory of planned behavior was applied to determine if behavioral intentions influence access to cervical cancer screening. The inclusion criteria included Hispanic women 18 years old and older without a hysterectomy history. Quantitative data were collected through a self-administered survey. A total of 84 individuals completed the survey. A binary logistic regression analysis was performed to determine if sociodemographic factors are related to access to cervical cancer screening. The results showed no significant association between socioeconomic factors and doctor visits (p > .05). A chi-square was performed to determine if there was a relation between time living in the United States and access to cervical cancer screening, which revealed a non-significant association between the time living in the United States and the visits to healthcare practitioners (p > .05). Qualitative data were collected through individual interviews. A total of 10 individuals participated in the individual interviews. Most participants concurred about having a “good” experience with health insurance and screening. Participants also agreed about the importance of cervical cancer screening to prevent cancer. In conclusion, participants showed self-efficacy and adherence to cervical cancer screening. Further studies using focus groups will help explore and compare Hispanic women’s experiences and barriers in urban and rural areas.
