Date of Conferral



Doctor of Social Work (DSW)


Human Services


carolyn ewing


This study investigated the psychosocial barriers hospital patients face that would delay their discharge. A delay in discharge can stop new patient admissions, cause further illness to the patient, and cost the hospital money, amongst other issues. Social workers are there as part of the multidisciplinary team to reduce the barriers and length of stay. One of the ways to do this is to detect the psychosocial issue early on in a patient’s admission so that it does not delay the discharge. Social workers investigate these issues during the discharge planning process and while conducting assessments. This study utilized structured interviews with eight medical social workers to identify the psychosocial issues most linked to discharge delay. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory was used to explore the data collected. The study found that a lack of communication, insurance issues, lack of staff, and lack of resources were all key ingredients to discharge delays. The recommendations presented are a book of resources for hospitals, more thorough assessments upon admission to highlight key psychosocial barriers and an open line of communication with the length of stay patients. The findings could be used by social workers and hospital administrators to create positive social change through improved patient outcomes.

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Social Work Commons
