"Exploring Educators' Perception of Remote Instructional Collaboration " by George Wah Williams

Date of Conferral







Dr. James A. Bailey


Public higher education institutions in Liberia have employed various mitigating measures to improve instruction quality and increase learning outcomes; however, little was known about remote instructional collaboration as a strategic approach in Liberian higher education classrooms. This qualitative study, based on Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory, explored the Liberian educators’ perceptions of and disposition to RIC in public tertiary classrooms in Liberia. Seeking Liberian educators’ perception of and disposition to remote instructional collaboration in public tertiary classrooms drove this investigation. Two groups of 17 educators based in the United States and Liberia were interviewed using a semi-structured protocol facilitated through a self-developed data collection and analysis tool derived from a reclassification of collaboration motivating factors: purpose, environment, practice, and outcome (PEPO). The PEPO data collection and analysis framework effectively facilitated the data organization and analysis processes of the study. Participants offered their participation in RIC based on four cardinal themes, purpose, environment, implications for professional practice, and estimation of likely outcomes. Upon aggregation, these themes showed two broad motivational factors: a sense of meaningful educational contribution and outcome implications by which such programs could be managed and marketed. The results provided much data for further investigation, a foundation for higher education managers’ planning and policy regimes, and a grounding for positive social change through improved instructional service delivery, enhanced instructional practice, and a more effective diaspora engagement strategy.
