"Nigerian Women Entrepreneurs’ Narratives on Collective Action for Econ" by Elizabeth Oyanu Ujah

Date of Conferral







Daphne Halkias


While entrepreneurship has offered some potential for empowering subordinated women in urban areas of Nigeria, a literature gap exists on urban Nigerian women entrepreneurs' narratives to understand better how their collective action may further support economic empowerment and gender parity. The purpose of this qualitative, narrative inquiry study was to understand how women entrepreneurs in urban Nigeria view their work to gain economic empowerment and gender parity through collective action. The narrative inquiry method was used to address the problem and answer the research question using interview data from 10 urban female Nigerian entrepreneurs. This study was framed by two key concepts aligning with the purpose of the study: Mordi et al.'s concept of women's entrepreneurial development in Nigeria, and Olarewaju and Fernando's concept of African women's collective action through entrepreneurship. The four coding categories emerged in answering the research question: (a) subordination of women in Nigeria, (b) Nigerian women’s entrepreneurial development, (c) economic empowerment through collective action, and (d) gaining gender parity through collective action. Qualitative research with community participants connects global policy with a place-based experience, thus potentially offering a valuable perspective on implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in regional communities. Exploring narratives from Nigerian women entrepreneurs may drive positive social change by supporting Nigeria's realization of seeking gender equality (SDG5), promoting decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), and reducing inequality (SDG10).
