Date of Conferral
Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
Business Administration
Inez Black
For many organizations, employee engagement is a major component that drives a business’s productivity, performance, and profitability. Some healthcare leaders lack strategies to engage employees. Grounded in Kahn’s employee engagement theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore strategies healthcare leaders use to engage employees. The participants were eight healthcare leaders in a greater Atlanta, Georgia, healthcare facility who successfully implemented strategies to engage employees. Data were collected from Press Ganey quarterly engagement scores and semistructured interviews. Data were analyzed using Yin’s five-phase process, from which three themes emerged: (a) mentorship, (b) leadership, and (c) teamwork. A key recommendation is for leaders to implement mentorship programs to promote employees and career growth. The implications for positive social change could include providing more quality healthcare through engaged employees resulting in satisfied patients and profitable organizations.
Recommended Citation
Lewis, Latisha Valencia, "Strategies Organizational Leaders Use to Engage Employees" (2023). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 14291.