
Alecha Davis

Date of Conferral





Human Services


Shari Jorissen


Youth with intellectual disabilities have poorer outcomes during the transition period from school to adulthood. Very few studies were found that examine the perspective of the human service case manager. The perspectives of human service case managers were examined regarding the services that are needed to help youth with intellectual disabilities transition effectively. The study's purpose was to determine the services available and those needed to help support the transition from school to work, college, or in living independently for youth with intellectual disabilities. The theoretical framework for this study was Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory used to explore the errors within the current system of transition services. Using a generic qualitative research design and semi structured interviews, perspectives of the human service case managers were analyzed. The resulting themes were (a) nonprofits should provide skills training and supports proactively earlier to help bridge the gap in transition planning, (b) uncertainties and lack of services are detrimental to the transition processes, and (c) parents, teachers, and key administrators present barriers to effective transition planning. The results of the analyzes indicate that services that are proactive and team members that work together for the student to help address their future needs can help the student transition effectively into adulthood. The results of this study may improve advocacy and supports provided by the case manager which can help improve the transition process for youth with intellectual disabilities.
