"Relationship Between CEO Gender, Hospital Size, and Urban, Rural Locat" by Levinda Walpole

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Healthcare Administration (D.H.A.)


Health Services


Miriam Ross


Leadership diversity concerning gender is important in the health care sector because diversity encourages problem solving from different perspectives. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine whether there was a relationship between CEO gender and the size of nonprofit hospitals and rural/urban location of hospitals in Texas. The independent variables were hospital bed size, which was categorized according to various groupings, and rural/urban areas in Texas. The dependent variable was gender (male and female). The theoretical framework that grounded this study was the perspective of organizational culture and the leader’s role based on the competing values framework. Data were collected from 460 entries from Datacaptive, which contained nonprofit hospitals in 2019 from urban and rural sites throughout 254 counties in Texas. Linear regression, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis statistical methodologies were used to analyze whether there was a relationship between hospitals’ size, location, and CEO gender. there was no statistically significant association between the size and location of hospitals and the gender of the CEO, there was a considerable disparity between the number of male and female CEOs. Further research is recommended to determine the association between hiring practices throughout the United States related to gender, leadership position, and hospital size to provide information concerning diversity. Current study results may encourage examination of hospital board hiring practices and create awareness for positive social change, which includes leadership diversity in health care organizations.
