"Development and Validation of a Clinical Practice Guideline for Teleme" by Jennifer Johnell Upton

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Joanne Minnick


Access to healthcare necessitated the utilization of telemedicine during the international pandemic of COVID 19. Telemedicine use surged in family practice in 2020 with limited resources for appropriate telemedicine patients. The problem identified for this DNP project was the lack of resources for telemedicine guidelines in family practice. The purpose of this project was to create a clinical practice guideline (CPG) to initiate screenings for appropriate patients for telemedicine. The Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) concept and framework were utilized to develop the CPG. The project question identified was whether the development of a CPG on telehealth delivery in a family practice clinic setting be approved to guide providers in delivery of effective EBP telehealth care using the AGREE GRS tool. The population targeted for this evaluation of the CPG guideline included four expert panelists who utilized the AGREE GRS to evaluate the CPG. The panelists’ responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and proportional statistical analysis. The key results were that this tool was highly effective with a score of 97% which is considered a high-quality result. The recommendation was that this CPG be utilized as a starting point for family practice clinics implementing telemedicine. Further research is needed to continue to assess the quality of this tool in multiple settings with more providers and to gain more insight into further developments to meet the epidemic and strain on access to healthcare. Positive social change is noted with providing guidance for telemedicine where it is limited, and it has the potential to improve access to healthcare in a larger scale in multiple areas and improve patient access with telemedicine.
