"Elementary Teachers’ Perspectives of Direct Instruction with More Rigo" by Sharon Denise Taylor

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Deborah Focarile


AbstractMajestic County Schools (pseudonym), a large southeastern school district, has implemented changes in instruction to align with more rigorous state and national mathematics standards. The rigor of the new standards has led to changes in instruction to help students master the standards with evidence from the state-wide standardized test. Although the district has made curricular changes, over one-third of the students in Grades 3-5 at Flint Elementary are not mastering grade-level standards. This basic qualitative study focuses on one elementary school within the district. The purpose was to understand how teachers implement direct instruction (DI) strategies in the classroom to help students master grade level standards. The study was designed to address the research question by explaining how five upper elementary teachers use DI strategies to teach mathematics at Flint Elementary. The theoretical framework for this study is based on Zig Engelmann's theory of direct instruction. The basic qualitative research design was used to collect rich descriptive details through semi-structured interviews. Purposeful sampling ensured that 5 upper elementary mathematics teachers whose instruction prepares students for standardized testing were invited. Inductive analysis was used to code the interview data and to develop themes. The results showed inconsistent use of DI and a need for professional development. The professional development project was designed to help teachers implement the DI curriculum. The implications for positive social change due to this study include opening the minds of stakeholders on ways to improve DI in mathematics and changes in the way DI is used in mathematics by ensuring that the principles of DI are included in lesson planning and school improvement.
