Date of Conferral





Health Education and Promotion


Jill Nolan


This quantitative, nonexperimental survey was designed using a five-point Likert scale to measure the differences in the perceived importance scores for enrollment practices into nationally accredited YouTube diabetes prevention programs, or YouTube DPP, among online U.S. adult participants during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the social cognitive framework and was validated with Cronbach’s alpha. G* Power analysis for alpha level = 0.05, standard power = 0.08, and the effect size = 0.25 was calculated for a target population of over 100,000. Responses (i.e., N = 258) from the COVID-19 Blood Sugar Wellness Survey were uploaded from SurveyMonkey. The perceived important scores of the participants were categorized into five social distance compliance groups. Descriptive statistics and a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used and the perceived important scores between the social distance compliance groups were observed to be significantly different, F (4, 253) = 7.36, p < .001, η2 = 0.104. Based on Tukey’s post hoc test, there were higher perceived importance scores for compliant, highly compliant, and always compliant groups when compared to low compliance group scores. Also, COVID-19 mandates impacted the participant’s interest to enroll into YouTube DPP when presented with face-to-face (36.8%) or online doctor referrals (22.5%), program insurance coverage (30.6%), and programs with smartphone compatibility (27.9%). Percentages below 20% were classified as of low interest. Thus, policy makers should devise program incentives for clinician referrals, insurance coverage, and smartphone applications to increase enrollment rates into nationally accredited YouTube DPP.
