"Risk Factors Associated with Type 2 Diabetes among Adults in Alabama" by Peter Okeke

Date of Conferral





Public Health


Sumner S. Davis


In the 21stcentury Diabetes mellitus is recognized as one of the most important public

health challenges that carry a substantial individual and community burden.

It is necessary to do a detailed search regarding DM2 from adolescence till adulthood is in

Alabama which should aim to provide recent information. T2D is influenced by a many

factors including demographics including age, sex, income level, educational, BMI,

physical activities, etc. Identification of the associated risk factors is very important to

inform decision making by concerned bodies and T2D management. The study aimed to

examine the risk factors associated with T2D in adults aged 18 years and older in

Alabama, USA. The Social Ecological Model was used in the study. The research

questions seek to find the relationship between diabetes and demographics, dietary intake,

physical activities, BMI and smoking in adults 18 years and older in Alabama while

controlling for s age, income, educational level and employment status as confounders.

In the study used a quantitative and cross-sectional research design was used and the data

was collected from BRFSS 2019. 6,892 respondents were used these included adults 18

years and older in who reside in Alabama, who were eligible to participate in the 2019

BRFSS survey. Chi- square was used to show the relationship between diabetes and the

different risk factors and Binomial logistic regression was further used to control for

confounder. Results showed that employment status, age, smoking, educational level,

income category and race significantly predicted diabetes. Dietary intake did not

significantly predict diabetes, while BMI and Physical activities significantly had effect

on the risk of diabetes. Knowing he risk factors associated with diabetes will inform

decision making and better diabetes management program.

Included in

Epidemiology Commons
