Date of Conferral



Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)


Business Administration


Ify Diala-Nettles


Workplace conflicts negatively impact organizational performance. Health care leaders are concerned that workplace conflicts lead to stress and low performance by nurses and negatively affect the delivery of care to patients. Grounded in the social exchange theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies health care nursing managers use to address workplace conflict. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with five nursing managers from multiple healthcare organizations in the Western region of the United States who have successful strategies to address workplace conflict. The data analysis using Yin’s five-step approach identified four main themes: perception of fairness, equity, and respect; organizational resources; fostering communication, collaboration, and empowerment; and acknowledging the employee experiencing the conflict. The key recommendations for nursing managers are to be fair, respectful, and acknowledge what employees are feeling in conflict situations to manage conflicts effectively. The implications for a positive social change include the potential to improve nurses’ performance, health and wellbeing, and the overall quality of health care service delivery to their communities.
