Date of Conferral



Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)




Aundrea T. Harris


In this case study alternative solutions to retaining qualified employees in a behavioral health organization (BHO) located in the Southeastern region of the United States were explored. The specific question examined was how alternative solutions to retaining qualified employees would improve organizational productivity. The study was framed using Baldrige’s Excellence Framework, specifically the elements of leadership, valuing people, analysis, and focusing on results. Data were collected from leadership interviews with the three leaders, also examined were exit interviews, retention and turnover data for the past 3 years, strategic plans (present and past), senior leadership meeting minutes, the organization’s website, and staff satisfaction survey reports. The results of this study revealed that organizations had the ability to sustain long term success if the organization was able to provide alternative solutions to retaining qualified employees. Themes that emerged from the data analysis revealed that the BHO was uncertain about which best practices would be effective in retaining qualified employees and how employee feedback and leadership played an integral role in retaining qualified employees. Validity and reliability of the study was determined through member checking. This study has implications for positive social change by demonstrating how BHO organizations may creatively retain employees, leading to improved organizational and client outcomes.

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Psychology Commons
