"Clinical Practice Guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes Patients" by Rajeena Varghese

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Melissa Rouse


In the United States, Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a public health concern and a primary cause of readmissions to hospitals. Many patient readmissions may be avoided if quality, evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are developed and followed using a comprehensive approach. The project site’s retrospective analysis of electronic health records indicated a lack of consistency in following best practice recommendations, as shown by higher readmission rates. The purpose of this project study was to create a current evidence-based CPG that nurses can use to educate T2DM patients before being discharged from the hospital. The practice-focused question addressed whether an evidence-based CPG on diabetic patient self-care management might be used by nurses when teaching T2DM patients before releasing them from the hospital. The goal of this study was to bridge the gap in practice by giving nurses evidence-based clinical practice information they can use to educate their T2DM patients prior to discharge. I gathered content for the CPG for diabetes patient education by researching peer-reviewed literature. The methodological rigor of the CPG was assessed by an expert panel (staff educator, chief medical officer, and two registered nurses) using the AGREE II instrument. The clinical practice guideline received an overall score of 95.8%, with all four expert panelists recommending that it be used without change. The expert panel agreed to offer the local site’s medical executive committee the project guidelines as a policy recommendation. If implemented, the CPG could have a beneficial social impact by improving patient outcomes and reducing 30-day readmissions of T2DM patients in this as well as other organizations. Overall, this project aligns with the Walden mission and vision.

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