"Improving Pediatric Nurses Knowledge about Palliative Care Services" by Marilia M. Rivera Camacho

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Robert McWhirt


Palliative care knowledge is important for nursing staff caring for children with life-threatening and debilitating illness because it can provide comfort-based interventions to optimize their quality of life. Nurses in pediatric settings can support the patient and family by providing education and evaluate patients who can benefit from palliative care services. If nurses do not have the palliative care education to support this comfort care process, the quality of life for children with life-threatening and debilitating illness may be affected. The purpose of this DNP project was to educate pediatric nurses about pediatric palliative care standards. The educational program resulted in a documented increase in the knowledge of pediatric nurses which addresses an identified knowledge gap about the pediatric palliative care standards of practice. The overall increase in knowledge of the 10 nurses who participated in the program was 20% when the pretest scores were compared with those of the posttest. Additional educational sessions are recommended with a goal of educating 100% of the pediatric nurses at the hospital. The result of this educational program has the potential for positive social change for nurses and children with life-threatening and debilitating illness and their families. Educating nurses about the need for children with life-threatening and debilitating illness and their families to receive palliative care may empower them with knowledge they need to initiate a communication with the palliative care team.

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Nursing Commons
