"Mediated Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support on Leader-Member Excha" by Jeffery Proby

Date of Conferral







Michael Neubert


Social exchange relationship quality can influence an employee’s commitment to supporting continuous improvement (CI) initiatives. Researchers have established that leader-member exchange (LMX) quality and perceived supervisor support (PSS) can reduce employee commitment, affecting an organizational outcome. Based on the theoretical foundation of LMX quality theory, the purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine the relationship between the independent variables (LMX quality) and the dependent variable (affective commitment [AC]) through the mediated variable (PSS) and moderated mediation variable (workplace ostracism [WO]). Employee age, gender, tenure with the company, ethnicity, certification level, and the manufacturing sector were control variables of the study. Survey data from 51 full-time employees from aerospace and automotive organizations within the coastal region of South Carolina were collected using LMX, PSS, WO, and AC scales. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that each independent variable was significantly associated with AC separately and when taken together. Employee’s age was significantly associated with LMX and PSS, and the other control variables were unrelated to LMX or PSS. WO was statistically irrelevant to PSS but revealed a high PSS with high LMX quality and low WO in the slope interaction model. The results of this study can be used to enhance an organization’s certification programs. Such use of data would positively impact social change by enhancing team leader and members’ skills in conflict resolution and team building and thus contribute to successful CI initiatives.
