Date of Conferral



Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Stacy Wahl


The challenges of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) students in higher education are present in all aspects of the student experience including academic, residential, and social structures. For LGBTQIA students to have a successful and fulfilled educational journey, they often must endure restrictive policies, unsupportive staff, gender and orientation bias, and bullying. These factors can be detrimental to LGBTQIA students, both personally and academically, to include long-term effects on their mental health, and failure to succeed academically. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to determine the academic, residential, and social challenges LGBTQIA students face and how they affected their educational experience. The research questions explored LGBTQIA students’ lived academic experiences. Chih-Rou and D’Augelli’s queer theory informed the research. Coding and thematic analysis of semi structured interviews with 11 LGBTQIA undergraduates identified the five major themes: (a) impacts of intersectionality, (b) challenges within the LGBTQIA Center, (c) challenges with the LGBTQIA clubs, (d) nonacceptance and (e) institutional disconnect Three minor themes were also identified: (a) precollege challenges, (b) domestic versus international, and (c) academic inclusion. A three-day professional development workshop has been created to address the needs of the LGBTQIA students by engaging stakeholders in a continuing education process. This study will help fill a gap in practice related to the development of LGBTQIA students in higher education and informs to positive social changes in support, curriculum, and policies within college and university structures.
