Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Ian Cole


In the field of national security, Indonesia has community service centers known as the community police communication forum, or FKPM, an informal institution formed by community members to assist the police in implementing community policing (CP). FKPM can be found in various regions of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to obtain the opinions of young adult members about FKPM regarding their trust and participation in FKPM activities. Fifteen active FKPM members participated in telephone interviews. The results showed that the young adults in this study believed in FKPM but lacked information about FKPM programs and activities in their community. The 15 participants became members of FKPM because one of the goals of FKPM is to preserve Javanese culture, protect the environment, maintain security and community culture, and maintain the safety and comfort of the people of Yogyakarta. Using these theories, several ways to increase the younger generation’s confidence in FKPM were identified, such as by providing training on the law and emphasizing the importance of maintaining security in the surrounding area by having young people carry out cultural-related activities. The results of this study contribute to positive social change by offering practical strategies and policy advice for stakeholders in FKPM in Yogyakarta who wish to foster collaborative relationships between police officers and community members and young adults to participate in FKPM membership

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