Date of Conferral





Counselor Education and Supervision


Katarzyna Peoples


Many college students exhibit symptoms related to social anxiety disorder (SAD); however, they were not addressed or diagnosed until college. College counseling centers are experiencing an increased number of students with SAD. College students with SAD often experience failing grades, have limited social interaction with peers, and lack appropriate assertiveness. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to investigate the lived experiences of college students with SAD accessing support services. Phenomenology was the framework used to support the study. Semi structured interviews with 10 students were used to generate rich, detailed descriptions of the phenomenon. An interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed seven themes: experienced SAD early in childhood, experienced dual diagnoses, experienced issues with family and interpersonal relationships, positive experience with counseling services, counseling experience helped improve academics, experienced physical effects of SAD, and experienced psychological symptoms. Findings may help professional counselors advocate for clients and may inform educational institutions regarding how they can improve responsive services for students with SAD.
